
Text provides your clients with automated, evidence-based responses that help them tackle their challenges and stay on track. It's like having on on-demand coach in your back pocket.

Did you know?

Research shows that SMS text open rates are as high as 98%, compared to just 20% of email. On average, it takes just 90 seconds for someone to respond to a text, but usually over 90 minutes to respond to an email. That's why text is such a popular part of the Amira Health Platform.

Date-based messaging

Date-based texts are scheduled messages that are delivered based on a member’s progress. They receive one to three messages per day depending on their status. Some examples include:

Thinking stream: 1 day after registration
Great that you've made the decision to quit. Stick with it. We'll send you tips and supportive messages to help you stay motivated.

Quit date: 7 days after quit
Que cachez-vous en dedans? Si vous avez un problème, parlez-en. Ne pas en parler peut augmenter le stress et déclencher une envie.

Quit date: 31 days after quit
Quitting at any age can add years to your life; you are on a journey of a lifetime. What will you do with your extra years?

Keyword messaging

Keyword messages enable users to text for support in a time of need. Each keyword can have between one and twenty responses. Each message is sent until all responses are  received. They include messages like:

A craving is not a command! You are in control and can choose how to react. Ride out the craving, then let it go. It's empowering!

Demandez à vos amis de ne pas vous offrir de cigarettes. Prévoyez les rencontrer plus tard dans un lieu sans fumée préviter la tentation.

You don't have to avoid alcohol forever,  just for now. The time will come when you can have a drink without triggering a craving.

Interactive messaging

At varying intervals throughout the program members can receive spontaneous interactive messages. Their response will trigger additional supportive texts. These messages includes messages such as:

Quit day at 6 PM
Congratulations! You are almost through Day 1! Did you remain committed to your quit plan? Text back YES or NO.

YES: Congratulations! Every smoke-free day is a gift to you and your loved ones. Stay strong. It's hard, but it's worth it!

NO: It's okay. Every attempt will get you closer to quitting for good. Try again. For extra support and planning call your coach.